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comments for: nick dekker

nick dekker
f 2.8
50 mm
master photographer and platinum / palladium printmaker in his legendary office at the Montecito campus of Brooks Institute.
here is another photo of nick...

posted at 10:44pm October 31, 2007 [taken: 04:54pm October 31, 2007]

  • Very moving.
    Pitt of Buck @ 08:20am November 01, 2007
  • Nice to see you are still Teaching!

    Walt "91"
    Walt Saadus @ 05:53pm June 25, 2008
  • I was in the first class you taught. BA3?
    Class of 81 with Paul Meyer

    I am now a United Methodist Pastor
    Douglas Wagner @ 11:48am August 01, 2008
  • Dear Professor Nick Dekker, for you for being such an amazing mentor, thank you for sharing with us your amazing knowledge and your wisdom.
    Natalia Del Carmen @ 08:19pm December 15, 2009
  • Thank You Good Sir!
    Ryan Pfleger @ 10:17pm December 15, 2009
  • Thank you, Greg. These are beautiful portraits. He was a good person and a good teacher and he will be missed.
    Alison Nigh @ 11:52pm December 15, 2009
  • Nick was a friend and teacher, he was so good to me at BIP. I was fortunate to call him my friend, and we spend time together goofing around with Blu and Rich watching wrestling, he called me amongst other things, mini Hulk Hogan. I will miss him, and hope his Family knows how many people he inspired. God Bless.
    Chip Holley
    Chip Holley @ 05:19pm December 17, 2009
  • Thank you for the beautiful picture of Nick and everyones comments. He touched everyones life that knew him. He was the best person and gone way too soon. My thougths and prayers are with his wonderful family. I was lucky enough to be married to him years ago.
    Nina Mina (formally Dekker) @ 05:31pm December 17, 2009
  • Thank you for the wonderful image of Nick. What a gift to have watched him work with students and to have seen his images.
    Darla Anderson @ 08:38pm December 17, 2009
  • He was one of the most influential teachers I had at BIP! I learned heaps and it saddens me I will never be able to catch up with him again! He did so much for so many people, including me! Thank you Nick Dekker! You live on through others, and through others pictures!!!
    Vanessa Abuabara @ 07:18pm December 18, 2011



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recent zinkwazi blog comments:

  • Buryan
    Amazing perspective and colors, well done!

    Cute kid! great shot!

    Nice timing. The expression and pose are well captured.

    Congratulations for this portrait !

    Love the lighting and mood - great work!

    so great to see you and Tad. i hope to see the rest of the Lawler clan when we come to town in November

    joshi daniel
    nice portrait :)

    mark regester
    insane photo.

    wow, very cool. perfect with the tent, all is so well exposed.

    That's what National Parks are for... ;-)
    Brilliant shot!

    holy crap that is an amazing photo. you need to do something with that, like show the city of SB or something....seriously.

    Oh my gosh - this is such an iconic photo! the layers in the sky, the super moon, the lit up tent, AMAZING!!

    Great, great, great, great pic Greg.

    everything about this portrait works
    (and i also want a 1.2)

    chris orwig

    Andy White

    Oh my goodness. That is one sweet baby! Oh....right....that's MY baby!! :) THanks for capturing her so well!

    Andy White
    cha ching

    I like it, very calm shot.

    Beautiful light.