I was on the 101 freeway headed back to Santa Barbara from Ventura today when I cursed an otherwise perfect Friday as the traffic slowed to a crawl.
After a few minutes I noticed a grey haired woman in the fast lane kicking and tossing items out of the lane onto the median towards a plastic tub that had strewn it’s content down 100 yards of the freeway.
I pulled over to help and spent a few surreal minutes standing like Moses parting the rush hour traffic as cars and trucks slowly ebbed past me, the occupants eyeing me with a mixture of interest and irritation.
I waved goodbye to the woman (it was not her stuff, she had stopped to clear the path) and we headed back to our cars.
“I’ve got to take a photo” I said out loud to myself, climbed back out and snapped this shot, got back into the car and promptly climbed out one more time to rescue him…