a visit from the chicken hunter

a visit from the chicken hunter

lots of fun as the lawler cousins visited for a few day from the cold chicago wasteland. as you can see from the photos, piper liked the chickens 🙂 the photos
organic urban chicken eggs!

organic urban chicken eggs!

the chickens finally started laying eggs, there was much excitement as we got our first three this weekend! the kids have checked for eggs at least 20 times today since finding the first one 🙂 i think the coop etc cost around $600 so that’s $200 per egg, what a...
papa date

papa date

macey had a play date with olivia on sunday so phoebe and i went on a “papa date” one of the things she really wanted to do (for some reason) was to ride macey’s bike while i followed in my truck… this was almost as fun as pretending to be...