Video from near space

Video from near space

Last weekend some friends and I launched a weather balloon from Point Magu Rock. Attached to the top of the payload was a video camera and this is what it saw… For more photos and video, visit
Awesome rainy day project with the kids!

Awesome rainy day project with the kids!

The kids, grandpa Bill and I made some boats and got completely drenched floating them down the creek behind our house. The most amazing thing was that we drove down to try and find them and about an hour after launch we spied one of them sailing past the airport...
bee vacuum success!

bee vacuum success!

A couple of weeks ago I tried to coax a swarm into an empty hive about 20 feet up on the back side of a movie set facade in Ventura. The bees did not move into the hive but instead used the underside of the box as a nice extension to hang their comb on. Today I went...