your part in history

  Today for the first, and most likely the only, time in your life you get to actually participate in History. Your grandchildren will ask you how you voted in this election and will, regardless of the outcome, judge you accordingly.

diptych action for photoshop

several folks have asked how i do the dual image (diptych) stories that i post once in a while. i made an action in photoshop that makes the process really easy… you can download the diptych action here… and you can take a look at all the diptych images i...

current favorite song: dragonhead

really digging “dragonhead” by throwing muses, one of my all time favorite bands. i especially like the transition at around 1:25 and then at the 2:01 mark the song just goes off the charts! yes, i’m a nerd 🙂 take a listen for yerself!...

outtakes with PRK

i had the pleasure of shooting video and stills of pastor the reverend karl last night. (for the super secret upcoming release of coincidentally, chris mundell showed up too… here are outtakes from the PRK shoot including a trip...


we went fishing for the first time at los carneros lake. it was fun, macey even landed a 12″ bass 🙂 photos.