tad wagner photography

the tadinator has launched an official marketing site for his photography, head over to tad wagner dot com for a visual treat!

f/1.0 candy

i have been enjoying a leica mp with a 50mm noctilux lens that opens up to an amazing f/1.0! here is an unedited slideshow of the entire first roll. the film is expired iso 50 velvia that i shot and developed at iso 100… i cross processed the roll because it is...

right and wrong

it so happens that i do a couple of things right. maybe even perfectly. i make the world’s best margarita and i grill the world’s best tri-tip steak. tonight i tried something new; tequila in hot eggnog. this combination, it turns out, is very wrong....

missy rocks long beach!

not only did melissa finish the long beach marathon, but she won. yup, first woman and 17th overall! that’s probably even better than i could do! nice work goode!


wig reminded me of this kite flying video that matt made, poignantly set to u2’s song called “kite” it was posted on the now priceless steele family blog that matt maintained.