by Greg Lawler | Mar 12, 2006 | news
we took the kids up the pass to east camino cielo to play in the snow yesterday. it actually snowed on us while we were up there, we all had a blast! (snow in santa barbara is a big deal, it even made the front page of the local paper)
by Greg Lawler | Mar 7, 2006 | news
due to a power distribution error, zulu, the server that hosts was able to take a much needed rest for about 12 hours. power and ethernet have now been restored and all appears to be operating as normal 🙂
by Greg Lawler | Mar 2, 2006 | news, photography
today is the 365th day of operation for my photoblog! thanks to all the folks who have stopped by and left a word of encouragement in the form of a comment or have taught me a thing or two about photography along the way. in feb 2005 i borrowed a digital slr camera...
by Greg Lawler | Feb 22, 2006 | news
i integrated my pixelpost photoblog with google maps! there is now a “map all” link in the navigation bar and a “geo map” link under images that have co-ordinates in the pixelpost database… here are examples of the map fully zoomed in and...
by Greg Lawler | Feb 21, 2006 | news
chris buckpitt gave me a bag containing 35 rolls of expired 35mm film and 20 rolls of expired 120 film! my holga will be very well fed for quite a while 🙂 thanks bucket! (pronounced boo-kay) * note: i will gladly send you my shipping address if you too would like to...
by Greg Lawler | Feb 20, 2006 | news
kim and i went on a date last night to see tad wagner play an opening set for petracovich at reds coffee house. a fun time was had by all. here are some photos…