




Web development projects

Web development projects

This week I finished building two new web sites for a couple of good friends. The first was for Trish Geyling, indefatigable mom to little Rudy.  My goal was to get an easy to use e-commerce site set up quickly using existing photography assets.  If you need to pick...

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Horses at Circle Bar B for Phoebe

Horses at Circle Bar B for Phoebe

Phoebe turned 8 and is appropriately infatuated with horses! This weekend we took a surprise trip up to the Circle Bar B Ranch for a very enjoyable jaunt thru the chaparral.     Click here for more photos...

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HAPPy Arduino data collection code

HAPPy Arduino data collection code

I posted my HAPPy Capsule Arduino sketch to github. This is the code that flew in our first successful mission and provided the data in the following pretty graph: And here's the code: // High Altitude Payload Project Arduino sensor array. //

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Video from near space

Video from near space

Last weekend some friends and I launched a weather balloon from Point Magu Rock. Attached to the top of the payload was a video camera and this is what it saw... For more photos and video, visit

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Bill Dalziel

Bill Dalziel

Today I had an inspirational encounter with local Santa Barbara artist Bill Daziel at his home studio. Bill gave me three pieces of his art and spent time talking to me about art and life - what a fun experience. You can see some of Bill's art at and...

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Staycation on Paradise Rd…

Staycation on Paradise Rd…

We spent a fun weekend in a cabin up on Paradise Rd. in the Los Padres Forest just 25 minutes from home. It rained a lot which kept us close to the fire and coffee and each other 🙂 Thanks to Kim and Barry for the hookup!    

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Foodie Review PDX

Foodie Review PDX

Eater extraordinaire and friend, Daniel "DJ" Painter has launched a fun web site reviewing the food and drink wonders to be found in Portland and other places he happens upon. We recently caught up over an excellent beer at the Telegraph Brewing Company - good times...

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Awesome rainy day project with the kids!

Awesome rainy day project with the kids!

The kids, grandpa Bill and I made some boats and got completely drenched floating them down the creek behind our house. The most amazing thing was that we drove down to try and find them and about an hour after launch we spied one of them sailing past the airport...

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First AYSO season…

First AYSO season…

The kids had a great time in their first year of AYSO soccer. It was fun watching them improve as the season progressed and to see the teams gel 🙂 Here are some photos of Macey's team, Purpleishes, in action and Phoebe's Blue Sharks getting it done!

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