High Altitude Balloon Intervalometer script for CHDK
This script will configure your Canon camera to auto-focus, take a photo every x seconds and will also record the temperature of the lens, CCD and battery to a log file.
The script can be run in Endless mode until the battery or storage space runs out.
By Greg Lawler, based on work by Fraser McCrossan.
This script was built for my work on the HAPPy (High Altitude Photo Project) balloon project at http://happycapsule.com – a high altitude balloon project which aims to photograph the earth from the stratosphere.
HAPPy Intervalometer Features:
– HAPPy logging – write temperature (C), battery voltage (mV) and timestamp data to log file.
– Log files written every time the shutter clicks.
– Log files located in CHDK/LOGS/
– Endless mode – will keep taking photos until battery dies or card is full.
– Turn off the display a given number of frames after starting to conserve battery.
– Auto focus and expose for each photo.
As I build scripts to graph and process the log data, I will post them here.
HAPPy Intervalometer for CHDK – version 0.1 (zip)
HAPPy Intervalometer for CHDK – version 0.1 (tar.gz)
Clone on GitHub
Source Code:
--[[ HAPPy Intervalometer script for CHDK written in the Lua programming language. Version 0.1 Feb 12, 2011 This script will configure your Canon camera to auto-focus, take a photo every x seconds and will record the temperature of the lens, CCD and battery to a log file. The script can be run in Endless mode until the battery or storage space runs out. Authors: Fraser McCrossan and Greg Lawler HAPPy project - High Altitude Photo Project - http://heffrey.com. A high altitude balloon project which aims to photograph the earth from near space. Features: - HAPPy logging - write temperature (C), battery voltage (mV) and timestamp data to log file. - Log files located in CHDK/LOGS/ - Endless mode - will keep taking photos until battery dies or card is full. - Turn off the display a given number of frames after starting to conserve battery. - Auto focus and expose for each photo. --]] --[[ @title HAPPy Intervalometer @param s Interval seconds @default s 30 @param h Sequence hours @default h 0 @param m Sequence minutes @default m 5 @param e Endless? 0=No 1=Yes @default e 1 @param f Focus: 0=Every 1=Start @default f 0 @param d Display off frame 0=Never @default d 5 @param l Enable HAPPy log 1=Yes @default l 1 --]] -- convert parameters into readable variable names secs_frame, hours, minutes, endless, focus_at_start, display_off_frame = s, h, m, (e > 0), (f > 0), d props = require "propcase" -- derive actual running parameters from the more human-friendly input -- parameters function calculate_parameters (seconds_per_frame, hours, minutes, start_ticks) local ticks_per_frame = 1000 * secs_frame -- ticks per frame local total_frames = (hours * 3600 + minutes * 60) / secs_frame -- total frames local end_ticks = start_ticks + total_frames * ticks_per_frame -- ticks at end of sequence return ticks_per_frame, total_frames, end_ticks end function HAPPy_time() yy = (get_time("Y")) hh = (get_time("h")) if (tonumber(hh)<10) then hh = "0"..hh end mi = (get_time("m")) if (tonumber(mi)<10) then mi = "0"..mi end ss = (get_time("s")) if (tonumber(ss)<10) then ss = "0"..ss end mm = (get_time("M")) if (tonumber(mm)<10) then mm = "0"..mm end dd = (get_time("D")) if (tonumber(dd)<10) then dd = "0"..dd end hhmmss = hh .. ":" .. mi .. ":" .. ss MMYYYY = yy .. "-" .. dd .. "-" .. mm end function HAPPy_log( i ) HAPPy_time() print_screen( i ) print( "Picture: "..i ) print( "Date:",MMYYYY ) print( "Time:",hhmmss ) print( "Battery Voltage: ",get_vbatt()) print( "Lens Temperature:",get_temperature(0)) print( "CCD Temperature:",get_temperature(1)) print( "Battery Temperature:",get_temperature(2)) end function print_status (frame, total_frames, ticks_per_frame, end_ticks, endless) local free = get_jpg_count() HAPPy_log( frame ) if endless then local h, m, s = ticks_to_hms(frame * ticks_per_frame) print("Elapsed time: " .. h .. "h " .. m .. "m " .. s .. "s") else local h, m, s = ticks_to_hms(end_ticks - get_tick_count()) print(frame .. "/" .. total_frames .. ", " .. h .. "h" .. m .. "m" .. s .. "s/" .. free .. " left") end end function ticks_to_hms (ticks) local secs = (ticks + 500) / 1000 -- round to nearest seconds local s = secs % 60 secs = secs / 60 local m = secs % 60 local h = secs / 60 return h, m, s end -- sleep, but using wait_click(); return true if a key was pressed, else false function next_frame_sleep (frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame) -- this calculates the number of ticks between now and the time of -- the next frame local sleep_time = (start_ticks + frame * ticks_per_frame) - get_tick_count() if sleep_time < 1 then sleep_time = 1 end wait_click(sleep_time) return not is_key("no_key") end -- delay for the appropriate amount of time, but respond to -- the display key (allows turning off display to save power) -- return true if we should exit, else false function frame_delay (frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame) -- this returns true while a key has been pressed, and false if -- none while next_frame_sleep (frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame) do -- honour the display button if is_key("display") then click("display") end -- if set key is pressed, indicate that we should stop if is_key("set") then return true end end return false end -- if the display mode is not the passed mode, click display and return true -- otherwise return false function seek_display_mode(mode) if get_prop(props.DISPLAY_MODE) == mode then return false else click "display" return true end end -- switch to autofocus mode, pre-focus, then go to manual focus mode function pre_focus() local focused = false local try = 1 while not focused and try <= 5 do print("Pre-focus attempt " .. try) press("shoot_half") sleep(2000) if get_prop(67) > 0 then focused = true set_aflock(1) end release("shoot_half") sleep(500) try = try + 1 end return focused end if focus_at_start then if not pre_focus() then print "Unable to reach pre-focus" end end start_ticks = get_tick_count() ticks_per_frame, total_frames, end_ticks = calculate_parameters(secs_frame, hours, minutes, start_ticks) frame = 1 original_display_mode = get_prop(props.DISPLAY_MODE) target_display_mode = 2 -- off print "Press SET to exit" while endless or frame <= total_frames do print_status(frame, total_frames, ticks_per_frame, end_ticks, endless) if display_off_frame > 0 and frame >= display_off_frame then seek_display_mode(target_display_mode) end shoot() if frame_delay(frame, start_ticks, ticks_per_frame) then print "User quit" break end frame = frame + 1 end -- restore display mode if display_off_frame > 0 then while seek_display_mode(original_display_mode) do sleep(1000) end end -- restore focus mode set_aflock(0) |